Wednesday 1 October 2008

At last!


Finally, I manage to drag myself out of my lazyness to blog and start writing my first post. Some of my friends and my sister have been asking me to start a blog to write about my UK experience which I really wanted to but had no "inspiration" lol. Actually I created an account quite some time ago but never wrote in it. Sorry, but I am really just too lazy. =p I really admire those who able to find the energy and time to update their blogs so often. I'm a major blog reader (bordering on stalk-ish behaviour especially blogs that are filled with food pictures) so reading all those interesting blogs made me really want to start having my own and post MY yummy food pictures (a not so subtle hint on whats to come in my blog hehe).

So yeah, I am now in the UK and enjoying it. I love my room to bits, my flatmates are nice, uni is beautiful with tons of hot ppl, there are loads of clothing shops in the city and no blistering hot till you cannot sleep weather. Of course, UK does have its downs. The weather pms-es. One moment its all sunny and not too long later, its pouring and the wind is so strong and freezing. It even managed to unbalance heavy me, and no I did not move myself like what my friend suspected. Food here is definitely not as tasty as Malaysia's nor is there a wide variety. I so miss my mum's cooking and Broga pan mee. Just the other day, Hui En joked and suggested we go Broga for pan mee after class ended. Haha. That totally set off my cravings for Malaysia's food. Also, I have to do house chores very often here eg. wash toilet, do laundry, cook, shop for groceries, wash chickens etc etc. (I do NOT want to elaborate on how my toilet cleaning went cause it was frankly disgusting full stop) However, toilet cleaning aside, I really like it here and yes, of course I miss my family and friends back home but I'm doing fine in that area..not too homesick till I cannot function or breakdown. Hope it never happens haha. I am struggling with lectures here (another downside). Not that I breezed past my year one in Msia but I swear its tougher here..thats cause I am too used to the spoon-feeding at the msia campus and of course, they do not do it here. The lecturers even emphasized that the notes are not complete and we must find additional info ourself. *additional 100000000000N of pressure added to my shoulders* Ah well, I must get used to it and be more hardworking (reminds self to stop watching moonlight resonance). I did went to the library to study maths just now (YES, MATHS!) but am still in a blur...must study MORE!! i sound like a total nerd....but I really am not

Ok, enough complaining for now.. have to go off to settle some bank stuff..and tonight I'll be off to Goose Fair! Will write bout it soon.. first week in Nottingham post coming rite upppp! =)



*A* said...

why is ur blog SO RED??
got a shocked when i came here!!
and zomg, so boring.=(
no photos, nothing.
you fail as a blogger la.:D

Ling said...

cus i like red? hmphh.good wat shock..dats the point.shock everyone

of course no pictures yet la.i posted that thing on uni how to upload least gt words edi now..last time got will come soon.. give me a chance to get used to this first den only u judge whether i pass or fail as a blogger..its only my first post

DrTofu said...

wah!!! eeling oso hav a blog. ahhahahaha. so amazing! update more. hahahaha. lucky i saw the add in ur sis's blog. wahahahaa

Ling said...

hahahah im very lazy to update..and i cant talk bout my stuff in a more interesting way so it may bore u anyway hahaha

Unknown said...

FINALLY!!!! lol, woah, so long post, wait till after 3 months, the amount of words will definitely get exponentially shorter (just to remind u of maths :p)

Ling said...

jinn~ hahahaha whr got long..ok la QUITE long..i got one longer summore..but too lazy to post yet hahaha. we'll COULD get exponentially longer...but i kinda agree with ur maths theory =p